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Deciding on the Best Shampoo for your Hair Type

Why Is Shampoo Important? 

Liquid Shampoo was invented in 1927 by a German inventor Hans Schwarzkopf in Berlin. The world hasn’t looked back since with it being instilled into us as we were growing up that washing your scalp is important. There are many options on the market at the moment for all for different hairstyles. However, it’s not always clear what exact one you should use on your hair. We’ll take a look at different hairstyles and what shampoo you should use.

Dry Hair 

With winter in full swing now, dry hair is very common among women at this time of the year. It can be very difficult to manage especially in the dry winter air and often prone to frizziness. Argan Oil is something we recommend for people that suffer from dry hair. This type of oil comes mixed with some shampoos, keep your eyes peeled for any shampoos that are infused with hydrating argan oil. This should reduce your dry hair giving you refreshing and glowing hair.

Damaged Hair 

We have all been through difficulties with their hair and many people have damaged hair due to the weather, haven’t had your haircut in a while or split ends. It’s nothing out the ordinary and very common. With the right products used and an experienced hairdresser, damaged hair can be a brief issue. Often dryness and damaged are paired together because if your hair is dry it’s damaged. Try the argan oil which we explained above, this will sort the dryness of your hair out. Keratin shampoo is often a smart option for damaged hair because it strengthens and repairs the hair really well! Another ingredient that is effective when trying to fight against damaged hair is coconut oil. This seems to work well because of its antifungal properties that is a perfect answer to dandruff. Coconut oil is an ideal purchase for your hair care routine.  

Fine Hair 

Many people in the UK have very fine hair and they struggle to style it because there is no volume there to move the hair. The volumising shampoo is the answer for anyone suffering from very fine hair, a bit of volume will get you on the way to thicker hair. There are lots of shampoos out there that can thicken your hair, they respond really well to thin hair. You’re never locked into one shampoo, try them all out and see what suits yours.

Wavy Hair 

If you’re looking for a shampoo that suits your wavy hair then something that is moisturising and keeps frizziness away from your hair. A good hydrating shampoo should be perfect for your wavy hair. If you have particular curly locks you may need a post-wash routine by implementing argan oil through your hair to get your smooth curls revitalised.

Contact Us for Hair Care Tips

Get in touch with our expert hairdressers who can give you information about the perfect shampoo for your hair. When you have your hair cut at JYG we will give you tips on keeping your hair fresh day in day out. Fill out our contact form to start your journey to a fresh new hairstyle.






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